Tuesday 23 April 2013

Fraudsters Have Become Too Bold and Shameless

Nigerian Fraudsters (South-east Asia Division)  have become bold and shameless. Yet, some people will spew the usual apologetic garbage. She is greedy, that's why she fell for the scam. Man must chop etc. No doubt, It's difficult to get money especially when you need to earn it. That's the right way, earn it. I'm getting older too and i must say, making money is very difficult.

It's doesn't matter if this Indonesian lady decides to give all her life savings to a British Caucasoid because he is white, it's her money. Now, you lie and take money from someone under false pretence yet you have the guts to play the race card, like...WTF man? Here is what an Indonesian news portal is reporting about Nigerian fraudsters.

Sandra, not her real name, an executive from Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, lost the sparkle in her eye at Kuala Lumpur International Airport after she found out that her Internet boyfriend was a Nigerian, and not an Englishman, as he said on Facebook.

Shocked, Sandra asked the man why he had lied to her. He replied: “So now, my love, you do not want to accept me as I am because I am black?WTF?!

Sandra said that she was at a loss for words. She realized that he had been deceiving her. The 29-year-old said that she had spent more than Rp 1 billion (16356400.00), including money she earned from selling a house, to help the Nigerian solve his “troubles” because he had promised to marry her. 
Sandra was one of a host of victims of scams involving social media and the Internet. According to the Jakarta Police, such scams involved losses of more than Rp 5 billion and accounted for 40 percent of 176 cyber crime cases recorded during the first four months of 2013.
Via The Jakarta Post 

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